In Which Are Author Explains Her Absence- And A Quick Update

It has been ages since I wrote.

T-Ball accounts for most of the excuse.  Who knew that a little guy sport could encompass so much time?

That and I have taken on an extra job to try to make ends meet.

Between TBall, work, work part two and actually raising the children I don’t have time to write about the children.

But I keep their little stories in my head with the intent on writing them down.

Problem is, my head is quite full and a tad disorganized and I fear the stories are getting all jumbled up with 80’s songs and random Broadway lyrics. As well as an unhealthy Neil Patrick Harris obsession.

So in a very brief outline format, here are some little things that have been happening in our house.

Girl Child has embraced the English language, as she does all things, whole heartedly and in her own way. She now has less head banging tantrums (less not none) because she can explain herself to her dense parents a tad better. Though she continues to rely on non verbal a lot as well. If she becomes a mime, I would not be surprised. Disappointed, a little. Scared, most certainly, but not surprised.

Even  in the English language she and her brother’s differences still come through.

Boy Child’s first sentence was “More O’s please.”

Girl Child first three word sentence was “You hurt me.”

She cracks me up. In many ways she reminds me of Tracy, who used to become simply incredulous that someone would be mean to her in anyway. She would get this shocked look on her face that would say simply, “Did you not know that you were talking/looking/directing a comment toward ME?”

Gild Child has that same look.

Both children had to get their blood drawn. Lucky Partner took them.

Boy Child was brave and stoic as always. He explained later to me that he is “stronger than a needle.”
The nurse apparently said what a good guy he was.

Girl Child screamed and screamed, as if again, her soul was wounded. The nurse kept giving her stickers until she was covered with them. She kept howling. All the way from the doctors, to the car, and the drive to school she would alternate between wailing and saying, “Hurt me. Hurt me. HURT ME!”

I love that kid.  Freaking love that kid.

Boy Child is more like me, silent, and stoic with an expectation that things are going to hurt and you smile and get through it.

Girl Child is indignant that someone would have the gall to hurt her. HER, mind you.  The beauty, wonder and amazing creature that constitutes her nibs.

Additionally she has discovered the words, “No” and “Why” at the same time.

Typical conversation as follows:

Mama, “Girl Child come here and put on your shoes.”

G.C., “Why?”

Mama, “Because we have to go.”

G.C., “Why?”

Mama, “Because we are late for school.”

G.C., “Why?”

Mama side note: Because it’s a day that ends in y.

Mama, “We just are. Please come here and put on your shoes. We have to go.”

G.C., “NO!” runs screaming to the other room.

What else is going on with GC? She got her (oh dear lord above help me) first Barbie.

There are no words.

Boy Child turned 5. Whoop for the BC!

He is reverting a tad bit. Little more whine than before. We call him Pinot at times.

His new favorite catch phrase is, “It’s not fair Mama!”

“It’s not fair if Sara gets….”
“It’s not fair I have to go to bed…”

“It’s not fair I said the magic word….”

This one cracks me up.  “Mama can I play with this running chainsaw, please?”

Mama, “No.”

BC, “That’s not fair I said the magic word. YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND!”

To which I always reassure him that I am not his friend, I am his mama. My job is to keep him safe.

To which, much like a cartoon character he replies with , “Hurumph.”

He also started TBall. He is not good at TBall. Well, he is good at the sport, really good in fact. He just isn’t into taking turns and waiting and waiting and waiting for his turn to touch a ball.

Oh well we all have things we are good at.

I am good at many things, time management not being one of them.

For instance I did not have time to start this blog entry. I get to go on a date with Partner. Woo Hoo! But if I don’t leave I will be late- whoops later I mean.

Sigh- You know what I wish? I wish I had one of those gold watches from that movie that one time? What was that movie?

Quick gooogle search says the movie is “The Girl, The Gold Watch and Everything”

Her gold watch stopped time for everyone else but her. How cool would that be? Stop the clock and blog. Or sleep. Or clean the house. The possibilities are endless.

 “Dear universe can I have a gold watch that stops time? Please?? BUT I SAID THE MAGIC WORD! THAT”S NOT FAIR!”
